SONY Playstation Air Combat Anna Kournikovas Smash Court Tennis Blood Omen Legacy of Kain Castlevania Simphony of The Night JAP Castlevania Simphony of The Night PAL Discworld Duke Nukem Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Platinum Final Fantasy VIII G Darius Ghost in the Shell Gran Turismo Hercules In the Hunt Invasion Jumpingflash! 2 Loaded Medal of Honor Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid NBA Live 2002 Oddworld Oddworld:Abe's Exodus Resident Evil Resident Evil Ridge Racer Saga Frontier II Silent Hill NTSC Syphon Filter Small Soldiers Soulblade Street Fighter Plus Alpha Strikers 1945 II Suikoden PAL Tekken 3 Time Bokan -Yattaman The Granstream Saga Tomb Raider I & III X-Com Enemy Unknown